Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Not much to report but I thought I'd post something anyway since I won't be getting any interesting news for a while.

Animation stuff: Everything seems to be going pretty slowly but only because I'm starting out with all of the long dialogue scenes.  The rest of the scenes, for the most part, are shorter and have more action in them so those will be fun to do at least. ;) AND I can see my work improving as I go so that's nice.

Other stuff: Wanna hear a preview of the ambient music in the first episode?  Click here!!! ((Created by ERH on freesound.org.  I love his work.))

Hmm...I guess that's it. :P Sorry that all of my posts lately have been kinda boring.  Hopefully I can find something exciting to show soon!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Slowly but Surely...

Not a lot of progress yet.  I'm currently working on the rough animation, which is obviously the hardest stage because you're planning out all of the motion and have to get expressions and everything exactly the way you want it.  It's all downhill from there.  I am NOT looking forward to doing the outlines though. :/

I'm also finishing up backgrounds, but procrastinating a lot on those.  I can easily say that backgrounds are my least favorite thing to do. :P  My background minion Roy has helped me out a lot with most of the backgrounds but now I gotta take it from here.

What I'm working on at this very moment: MORE LIPSYNC.  This scene I'm doing right now is about 12 seconds long, and at 12 frames per second, it adds up to 145 frames...which means I gotta draw Gio 145 times in a row... Gee, isn't animation great? :D