Sunday, June 19, 2011

I made my own peg bar.

I've always wanted a peg bar, but the only place I could find one was online, and I'm not paying 7 bucks for shipping when it doesn't even weigh anything.  Since I have some extra clay and decent sculpting skills, I decided to make my own. XD  Yay for frugality!

I started off with a punched paper for reference, a flat surface, and an X-Acto knife.

I kneaded some clay, stretched it out, flattened it with a rolling pin, and then used a ruler to guide the knife along the edge.

Now it looks somewhat straighter. XD  I shaped the registration pegs at this point and smoothed them out with my clay tool.  I kept them separate for now because it will be easier to sand them if needed and glue them on.  Time to bake this sucker!

It's out of the oven now (as you can see, I burned it slightly XD), and I sanded it a good amount.  I marked where the pegs will go by placing the paper on top and aligning the holes on the bar.  Then I glued it with super glue, cause any other glue I've used on clay dried up and broke the sculpture. :<

There she is... And working like a charm!  For something homemade, I guess. XD

Thursday, June 16, 2011

GtM Cast List Up

I am pleased to announce that I've chosen voice actors to play as Giovanni and Strider.  Drumroll please...

Playing as Giovanni will be Neil Alexander! (Redd on VAA)

Playing as Strider will be Jack Mace! (PwnageSniper on VAA)

Thank you very much to everyone who auditioned: HeadlessChicken, Mr. Jay, GEXROX, Stephan, Blueman39, Klemens, HaggisPasty, Jevaque60, BOWIEtheHERO, and Newrikey!  I'm glad you all had interest in my project, and good luck to everyone in future projects!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Universal Studios!!! 8D

Hey everybody!  This isn't GtM related, but... I need to post it somewhere.  Yesterday, I went to Universal Studios with my mom and aunt.  I didn't get pictures of the whole trip but I took some near the end.  The really fun stuff was the Studio Tour: I've been on it a zillion times but they keep adding new stuff to see.  Like the new King Kong thing - MAN that was cool!  It was also really awesome seeing the original Bates Motel and the spooky house on the hill in person.  Oh, and I went on the Simpsons ride for the first time. XD That was the single greatest moment of my life. O.O  It was AMAZING.  Go ride it first chance you get.  Now: PHOTOS!  Click to make them bigger!

Hey look it's Bart.  Hi Bart!

I got to take a picture of the Warner Brothers and ABC studios!

And WB's famous water tower! XD Look look, there it is!

Me and my aunt.  I look like such a dork...

 Me and my aunt again.  Yes, I do have an Angry Beavers shirt on. XD

Citywalk in the evening!  Ate at Wolfgang Puck's too.  LOVED it!
And now, Citywalk at night.  This is what Sonnet City (where Gio & co. live) looks like in my head.

Down towards the bottom center, you can see my mom waving ;p

The sign over Gamestop!

Hard Rock Cafe's chandelier! O.O

That's the floor directly beneath the chandelier.

Hard Rock Cafe's giant guitar, all lit up.

 So yep, that was our trip.  See you guys later!